
Peth 是一款由 Python 语言开发的 Ethereum SDK 及脚本工具,为智能合约开发者,安全研究者,合约审计等日常需要与各种 EVM 链、智能合约交互的用户服务。

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    '-----------'                                  |   / | '.    | '.
                                                  `'-'  '---'   '---'


Welcome to the peth shell. Type `help` to list commands.

peth > help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
abi4byte          debank           exit     open       sender     verify
abi_encode        debug            factory  oracle     sh         view
aes               decompile        gnosis   owner      sha3
aml               deth             graph    pair       sig
balance           diff             help     price      signer
bye               diffasm          idm      proxy      storage
calldata_decode   disasm           int      proxy_all  timelock
chain             download_json    ipython  py         timestamp
code              download_source  log      quit       tx
codesize          erc20            loop     rpc_call   tx_raw
common_addresses  estimate_gas     name     run        tx_replay
config            eth_call         nonce    safe       txs
contract          eth_call_raw     number   send_tx    url